The Academy of Excellence focuses on the development of Black owned SMMEs through the following programs:
In addition, the Academy provides meaningful reporting on clients CSI initiatives to verify how the initiative has impacted beneficiaries, communities, charities and schools in the forthcoming 6 months to a year.
“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety” Abraham Maslow
In addition to group workshops, individual sessions are held with each beneficiary company to develop capabilities and experience in the following areas:
Supply Chain opportunities
Enterprise Supplier Development should not be regarded as a tick box exercise for B-BBEE purposes. Real Effort should be made to ensure that this initiative brings tangible benefits to both corporates and SMMEs.
At ERAVATE we have established a vast network of corporate clients within all sectors. Beneficiaries on the program will be introduced to this network and through constant collaboration, will be developed to deliver the quality of service required by the larger clients. This will ensure the sustainability and growth of the SMME which would in turn result in employment opportunities with the SMME.
Progress Reporting
Quarterly progress reports will be provided to funders detailing the progress of the SMME from inception on this journey. We will highlight achievements met, areas for improvement and overall guidance on key objectives for the stated period.